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Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling Tips Wallpaper My What

While you might think that wallpaper is unhip, uncool or simply not shabby chic trending fashion designers believe that wallpaper is a quick and inexpensive fix for those not-so-chic cabinets and drawers throughout your home. Wallpaper can transform any space from drab to fab in a matter of minutes. Don’t think that it’s possible? Check of these fabulous ideas for wallpaper throughout your home, and do not forget to include them in your next kitchen remodeling or bathroom remodeling project.

Backs of Cabinets in Kitchenhen

Unless you have top-of-the-line, custom designed cabinets or if you have just completed a kitchen cabinet reface as part of a kitchen remodeling project, your kitchen cabinets are probably not as trendy and beautiful as you would like. To spruce up those boring kitchen cabinets and make your new tableware stand out as it should, apply wallpaper to the inside back of your kitchen cabinets. Kitchen cabinet backs are usually painted or vinyl so they do not always hold up as they should through the years, but adding wallpaper to the inside back of your cabinets can help spruce up your cabinets quickly, easily and affordably.

Backs of Shelving in Linen Closet

Bathrooms are often the overlooked aspect of any home, but you use them multiple times every day, so why neglect the bathroom? Bathroom remodeling is becoming increasingly popular is recent years with the downturn of the economy. Instead of buying a new home, many people are simply upgrading the homes they have. One quick way to upgrade your bathroom without spending an arm and a leg is by adding wallpaper to the backs of your linen closet and the inside of your bathroom cabinets. If you have a cabinet that sits above or over your toilet, those cabinets are also ideal for wallpapering. By adding a few pieces of wallpaper throughout your bathroom, you are able to upgrade your space without spending a ton of money on bathroom remodeling.

Lining of Drawers

Throughout your home you can pieces of wallpaper for touches of color and freshness. Some examples include, in the drawers of your antique hutch, the drawers in your kitchen, the drawers in your bathroom, drawers in your guest room or even in office spaces and wherever else you find a place. Wallpaper does not have to simply go on the walls. Get creative and be unique with your style.

While many people believe that wallpaper is a faux pas of the past, trending designers have revamped this old technique to make it modern, fashionable and desirable. Spruce up your bathroom, kitchen and drawers with wallpaper for a quick, easy and affordable alternative to kitchen remodeling and bathroom remodeling. Be creative and crazy with your love of patterns and colors. Trends are what you make of them. After all, who said wallpaper is dead?