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Get Traffic Through Social Media Top Tips

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These super tips come to us the way of Neil Patel from Quicksprout, check out his website, very informative stuff. Anyway , here is how to get more traffic through social media.

Tactic #1

Add Tweetable Quotes Throughout Your Blog Post By adding a -tweet this- button in your post, you will get a lot more exposure for your post. This can be done by some simple HTML code, you can use the following: tweet Put it at the end of your post and make it easy for people to share your post.

Tactic #2

Create a LinkedIn Group

LinkedIn is a great source of traffic for your website. For every 5000 members you have you will roughly get 15 000 visitors, you can scale this up or down, but you get the idea. Create a group in your niche and build your group steadily. It takes time, but once you have a nice group together, you will reap the rewards. Once a month you can use the -announcement- feature on LinkedIn to let your whole group of your latest blog post, only use this feature once a month or with a really good post, but use sparcely. The group members will share this on their social media profiles and this will give you a nice spike in traffic, every group member should give your website about three visitors if you put out good quality content. Put the word -leader- in your group name to make it sound important, invite all your friends to your group and put out very high quality content. Do this and your group will grow at a nice pace. If you have some spare cash, you can even buy whole groups on LinkedIn!

Tactic #3

Repost Infographics With Stats.

Find cool infographics around the web in your niche, and repost them on your blog. Add some interesting content above the infographic and make all the stats tweetable. You then tweet it to your Twitter account and you should get some retweets and favorites, which will translate into traffic.

Tactic #4

Tweet For An E-book

Whether you are releasing a blog post or an e-book , you can make people -pay- for it by letting them tweet the link before they can read it. You can use a service called -pay with a tweet- . Create a short report or piece of content and instead asking for an opt-in you ask people to tweet it before they can read it. It is a very good trade off, and you will find that people don’t mind tweeting your business in exchange for something of quality.

Tactic #5

Leverage Influencers.

Every niche has their experts, by interviewing them you can gain a huge amount of traffic. Interview them on a specific topic, and then post it in a blog. Here is what you need to do:

1. Make a list of about a 100 influencers in your niche, not all of them will agree, but you only need about half to agree on an interview.

2. Come up with a question to ask these experts, every expert should get the same question.

3. E-mail 10 experts and ask them if they are interested in a group round up, give them a deadline to mail you their answer and inform them that you will place a link to their websites.

4. After you have a few experts, you can mail the rest. By naming the ones that are already on board, you will have some credibility and more than likely more of the others will agree to take part in your interview.

5. Once you have published the post, mail it to all the participants and ask them to share it on their social media profiles.

6. Buy $100 in StumbleUpon,Twitter or Facebook Ads. This will help you generate traffic to your post and cause people to click through to the experts’ sites. Your website will show up as a -referrer- in their analytics, which will encourage your experts to share your content on the social web further.

This isn’t rocket science, it just takes some work, but if you want free traffic you need to put in the hours. These tips will no doubt see you get more traffic, so get stuck in the rewards will follow!

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