When it comes time to venture into a project that’s a little more beyond the basics of cutting and stitching together drapery panels, consider trying your hand at fan folding drapery panels.
Fan folding is a procedure of folding a curtain panel to the pattern of its existing pleats in order to create the effect of evenly spaced folds all across the width of each panel. According to one expert, fan folding can simplify the installation of your drapes while also providing a wonderfully finished Custom Drape look. It is also relatively easy to do.
Reasons for fan folding include achieving a design that can eliminate or diminish flaring at the bottom of curtain panels. This can be an especially problematic situation in formal rooms with high ceilings, necessitating lengthy drapery treatments that would only magnify any flaring issues on extremely long curtain panels.
You can also save money and time on the installation process because the panels hang in pleasing folds right away. As a result, they do not need much, if any, steaming to arrange in place. Nor do the folds need to be banded or dressed.
One principal issue with fan folding is when to do so as part of the fabrication process. One option is to perform fan folding before the pleats are tacked. This can make it easier to fold and clamp. And it can be simpler to handle the panel while it is being tacked if it has already been banded into folds.
Another option is to implement fan folding right before bagging the panel. In some workrooms, this can be an advantage if the machines are set up in such a way as to go from the bind hemmer to the pleater to the tacking machine and then back to the work surface/table.
Either way, you will want to carefully plan for fan folding, as the process itself involves a number of important steps in order to achieve crisp folds every time – a professional look that’s sure to be a crowd-pleaser!
For more information: http://www.halfpricedrapes.com/